San Juan

The site was very full. I asked for a large beer to start diving me into that partying atmosphere (although still did not know the reason) that was floating around the city. When was waiting for that I serve, I asked the boy’s next door, which I expected as I do, the reason for so much excitement among the locals, and told me that it was the feast of San Juan, the shortest night of the year.Two hours later not knew very well where it was. The boy that had conversed some minutes earlier, Sergio, invited me to sit with his friends, and had to replace beer with whiskey and tequila shots. When you exit the bar seemed to know them in life, although I do not imagine the show we gave, singing the hymn of Barca (well, I accompanied them tatareando a kind of melody that I half invented) and compliments to each girl who passed in front of our.

We also encourage us with firecrackers, we began to pull in the middle of the square. San Juan home of an envelope Barcelones 22.00 took me home from a friend who was a party. Thanks to dinner we got out a little drunk. We ate tortilla potato and a few real good sausages, and for dessert a coca de Sant Joan, apparently typical of the feast. Era sponge cake with some sweet fruit above, very original and quite rich. During dinner I was talking to a very nice girl who told me that on the night of San Juan, a magical night, celebrates the arrival of summer, and that fire, water and herbs are symbols of this celebration, although currently the fire, symbol of purification, is the element that most stays. Cava and wine no shortage at any time, as it is customary in the celebrations of the city.

The party crowd on the beach just the night on the beach of Barceloneta, which llegamso with the line yellow subway (I was surprised when I was told that the subway was open all night). The amount of people that were in front of the sea was incalculable, all making bonfires, throwing firecrackers, dancing and, as no, drinking.Finally, I had an unforgettable night unexpectedly and without knowing anything of this Catalan tradition, although the feast is also celebrated in different ways in the rest of Spain. If you have the opportunity, do not miss this summer festival that the locals celebrate big throughout the city. The color of the fireworks show is beautiful and very friendly locals!

Spanish Tourism

At the opposite extreme, the lowest valuation it recorded cultural offer, exhibitions, concerts, with 53,18, but it should be noted that you it’s the first time in three years of study that exceeds the approved, improving results from last winter (46,84) at 6.5 points. The only other four variables which fell 6 were the commercial offer (54.75) and the offer of leisure time free (54.54), and relationship quality price commercial, giving, however, the circumstance that these three qualities also improved, respectively on 7, 9 and 1 points. NOTEWORTHY DATA For the first time, no value is suspended (below 50), and all the qualities are above 60, with the exception of 4. The previous winter, they suspended 3 qualities, and 11 not exceeded the good. The valuation of the section on the environment continues to be the strong point of the island. They emphasize strong valuation increases in quality of the environment (7), (9) noise pollution, landscape and urban environment (5) and cleaning in general, streets (7).

Increase of 10 points in the section on public service and infrastructure, which arrives at the 66,51. They very strongly improve assessments of services and facilities at the Airport (+ 10), public transport (+ 11), taxi (+ 8) services, cultural offerings, museums, exhibitions, concerts (+ 6), facilities and sports activities (+ 8), health care (+ 13), tourist information (+ 12), public safety (+ 9) and treatment and professionalism of the staff of public services (+ 14). PROFILE of the tourist is maintained the trend of past seasons of winter, with German and British tourism as main source markets, but shows a moderate decline of tourists in the reference period, placing the quota of participation of both markets in the 39.0% and 23.1% respectively. Spanish Tourism presents a share of 9.7% and the Norse of 8.2%. In the category other countries stood a 20.0% of respondents. The average age of the tourist is 44.4 years (43.2 years last winter). 41.3% (45.5% In the previous edition) of respondents have visited before the island, with higher incidence among German tourists (51.8), although last winter had a share of the 61.3%. The retention rate is situated in the 92.0%, exceeding the 86.4% obtained the past winter. With regard to the recommendation of the seasonal index, stood at a 97.4%, slightly higher than the 95.2% from last season.